Bethlehem Tomorrow organizes community talks by experts on topics relevant to the Town and the updated comprehensive plan. To learn about upcoming talks, join our mailing list.
Electric Vehicles
Electric Vehicles
Matt Casale, US PIRG
April 30, 2020
Dan Lilkas-Rain, Town of Bethlehem
May 14, 2020
Growth patterns in the Capital District & the Town of Bethlehem
Growth patterns in the Capital District & the Town of Bethlehem
Todd Fabozzi, Capital District Regional Planning Commission
June 3, 2020
How to reduce household energy use with an energy audit
How to reduce household energy use with an energy audit
Courtney Moriarta, NYSERDA
September 2, 2020
Adopting organic land management practices: why and how
Adopting organic land management practices: why and how
Chip Osborne, Beyond Pesticides
September 21, 2020
Header Photo Credit: Paul Tick